5 Reasons why you should watch the travel documentary ‘Twogether: The Series’
Do you miss traveling in different places, eating authentic food, going on adventures, and enjoying the best day of your life with your travel buddy? Then, you shouldn’t miss watching this Original Netflix travel documentary ‘Twogether: The Series’.


‘Twogether: The Series is a collaboration of two actors. They set out in search of their fans that have invited them to a particular destination.
Their journey brings in an exciting and remarkable experience. They face a series of missions and challenges which they need to accomplish first to meet their fan.

This travel documentary will broaden your knowledge in different cultures as you’ll be exposed to learning new things from a certain country.
Here are the reasons why it is worth binge-watch ‘Twogether: The Series’.
1. Lee Seung Gi & Jasper Liu: the “clumsy brothers”


The South Korean actor, Lee Seung Gi, and Taiwanese artist, Jasper Liu in one frame serve overflowing visuals in every episode of the series.
At the beginning of their journey, an air of awkwardness is visible between them. Fun fact: they studied and learned Mandarin and Korean words to simply greet each other, a reminder that language is not a barrier at all.
As the day goes by, a new friendship is built. They share their interests and seriously talk about their career and what they’ve been through.
This duo gains the nickname clumsy brothers because of their boldness. Together, they inspire each other to finish the tasks and challenges with their aim and greatest desire – that is the love for their fans.

2. Location References for Future Travel Experience
The breathtaking view from the tourist spots in different countries that were featured on the show will make you create a bucket list for your future travels.
Here are some of the spectacular places featured in the show:

• Yogyakarta (Indonesia) – a very beautiful sight of the cave when they reach the top for a clue. It offers one of the marvelous sights of a spotlight-like ray of sunlight.

• Prambanan Temple – it lays the country’s cultural and spiritual site. A trivia/memory game while doing spin top was held in this location.

• Damnoen Saduak – one of the longest floating markets where they needed to bargain with the locals for their dolls. The simple rule is to win against the sellers in rock, paper, scissors hand game. The penalty is to buy something in that store using their pocket money.
* The pocket money is the allowance that was handed to them at the start of their journey. This will be use for their transportation, food and other expenses during the period of searching their fans.

• Bali – is the popular surfing capital located in Indonesia. Two extreme sports were divided for the duo that they need to accomplish. Seung Gi does paragliding, while Jasper tries to catch some fishing using a harpoon.

• Grand Canyon (Chiang Mai) – this is where the water bicycle race and diving experience took place. They both face their fears, as they do the cliff diving from different meters.

• Pokhara (Nepal) – the glorious view of the Annapurna Massif from the top was seen. They are lucky enough that they caught the glimpse of Annapurna.
3. The Producers of Running Man are behind the tasks and challenges
Yes, you read it right! This travel documentary was produced by the same production of the reality-variety show, Running Man!
Every episode is thrilling. You’ll wonder about the possible tasks and challenges they must finish to acquire a clue or a key. It also brings out Seung Gi’s amusing sense of thinking and Jasper’s way of coping up as it was his first-ever reality show.
It was fun seeing them enjoying together in whatever circumstance. Even if they have to compete against each other, they still remain the newest strong bonded friends.
4. The meet-and-greet with their fans
Have you ever imagined having a dreamlike encounter with your favorite artist that includes an unexpected visit to your house?
Luckily, fans who sent in their invitation through an email and were chosen had the opportunity and once in a lifetime experience to meet up with Seung Gi and Jasper.
It’s just natural to chant “Sana all” if you’re already on the scene where the duo is very determined to search for the exact household where a fan was living. They had the clue in their hand, the excitement in their heart, and the decisiveness in their eyes.
They brought not just gifts, but also the happiness, warmth, and love that automatically put a smile on the faces and embraces their fans.
5. The duo’s performance
You shouldn’t skip the duet of the duo!
One of the episodes will make you feel the “kilig” as Seung Gi and Jasper serenades the crowd with the original theme song of ‘Twogether: The Series”. This is one of the highlights that will make you fall even harder for them.
Every end of the day, they put their hearts on making and practicing the song. They continue rehearsing before getting some sleep. The sweetest gesture is a plus point for both of them!
Seung Gi in collaboration with Jasper, wrote the song entitled “Gonna Be Alright” during their travel.
“You and I together
We can overcome anything”
-Gonna Be Alright
By: Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu
Enjoy the virtual travel with the duo, Lee Seun Gi and Jasper Liu! Share with us and share with us your favorite scenes.
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