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Record of Youth: A drama that will inspire you to achieve your dreams

Written by: Jamaica Rose Simbul

What was your dream when you were a kid? I honestly want to be an architect, then a teacher, an
interior designer, and ended being a nurse. Yes! Nurse by profession! I wouldn’t say that I like it at first, but as I go along, I learned how to love it and worked hard to graduate, and even worked harder to pass the Nursing Licensure Board Exam. I would say that the career I ended up with was more like a goal, not a dream.

But, how about someone whose dream becomes his goal?

Image source: Netflix

Record of Youth is a drama about a guy named Sa Hye-jun who is working as a model and wants to be an actor. He was extremely passionate about what he was doing. Aside from that, he also has various part-time jobs.

Sa Hye Jun was not that famous at first, but a lot of girls likes him because of his good looks and personality. One of his fans is An Jeong-ha, an inspiring make-up artist. The two of them were able to meet during an event and that’s where it started.

We all have our dreams, and I am not only talking about our dream career, it’s about our dreams as a whole. This drama inspired me and made me realize that dreams are not just careers but also something to live for. Record of Youth really gave us life lessons that will surely be something
worth recording.


For us, our family inspires us to achieve our dreams. They are the ones who always got our back, but that’s not the case for Sa Hye-jun. His father was against his career because he doesn’t want him to end up like his grandfather, unlike the latter who supports his chosen path wholeheartedly.

Hye-jun’s family is not rich and everyone is trying so hard to make ends meet, contrary to his best friend named Won Hae-hyo who also took the same career as him. Hae Hyo’s family is rich and his mother supported him than ever. Many people thought that they are happy because of their status, unfortunately, they are not. I would say that their mother was very controlling out of her love for her family and it is because that’s how she grow up.

This drama made me realized that I should also be expressive to the ones I love when I feel sorry, when I support them, when I care about them, and when I love them because they matter. If you love and support your family, show them because support without the act of showing is nothing.


In this drama, you can see the sincerity of their friendship. It’s the friendship that we all needed right now. Friends who support you, who don’t talk bad about you when you are not around. Friends who think of how you feel firsts before saying or doing anything. And most importantly, friends who are just there whenever you need them.

Sometimes we don’t get to see our friends, we don’t get to hang out with them as often as before
because as we grow old, we focus more on our careers, our families, on our future. Or sometimes we are more focused on likes on Instagram, views in Youtube videos or friends you have on Facebook and we tend to forget we have real friends outside social media.

We all deserve to have friends who will criticize you and correct you when you’re wrong. Someone who will not judge you just because you made some bad decisions than someone who will give their opinions even if they didn’t really know what happened. Someone who listens and trusts you than reading those comments online that are insubstantial.

Special someone

Isn’t it nice to have someone beside you who supports you in achieving your dreams? I bet, nothing is greater than those feelings. Aside Hye-jun and Jeong-ha’s love story that shows the struggle of the couple while doing what they love and how it affects their relationship, the drama focused more on achieving one’s dreams.

In Korea, we don’t really see dating actors and actresses unlike here in the Philippines. The drama shows what it really is like to be an actor in Korea. Their love story was so simple yet genuine. They are not afraid to say what they want to say. They want to grow together while growing individually in their chosen career and they are rooting for each other while achieving their dreams.

Remember that we should appreciate people or should I say our special someone who was there to support, understand, and love us.


Image source: tvN

Dreams are the thing that we are thinking of, however, we should put action into it for it to become a goal. That’s what this drama made me realize. Hye-jun proved to us that no matter how hard the challenges in reaching for our dreams, as long as we don’t stop, as long as we believe in ourselves, and as long as we have a good heart, we can always get what we want.

This should also not put any harm to yourself and to other people. Do the things that make you happy and you surely wouldn’t regret it later on. On the other hand, Hye-jun’s grandpa proved to us that there was no right time to achieve our dreams, if we want it, we will work hard for it. A small achievement is still an achievement.

Joeng-ha’s character also worked hard for her chosen career without depending on her parents because that’s what her mother taught her. She shows perseverance and determination in doing the things she loves.

Record of Youth is a simple but heartwarming drama. Characters exist in reality, they are very relatable. Conflicts are also actual as some people go through the same problems that the characters have gone through. Park Bo-gum looks natural in portraying his character that it seems like he didn’t act at all in this drama. He is well known for being really professional and a very kind actor.

Would I recommend this drama? Yes! Definitely yes! It’s something fresh, a light one. Something that won’t give you a heart-stopping action, instead it will make your heart skip a bit because of the warmth of this drama. And of course, the playlist is a plus! So it’s a 9/10 for me!

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