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[TALKING TRENDS] 'Eoljukko' and 'eoljuka'

Seo Jeong-min
The author is a senior reporter of the JoongAng Ilbo.
Some people stick to wearing regular coats rather than thick, padded jumpers. They are called eoljukko, which is an abbreviation of eoleo jukeodo koteu, referring to people who insist on wearing the more fashionable coats even though they may feel like freezing to death in below zero temperatures.
Why do they refuse to wear padded jackets? Because it’s not cool.
Thick padded jumpers wrap around you just like a blanket and keep you warm. But they also make you look a bit dull and chubby. If you’re dressing up, a classic cashmere or wool coat would be a better choice than a casual, nylon puffer coat.
Eoljukko originated from a similar word, eoljuka. It is an abbreviation of eoleo jukeodo aiseu, for iced coffee, referring to people who insist on drinking iced coffee even in the biting cold. In such a freezing weather, their teeth cannot help but chatter, just standing outside for few minutes. Still, they choose iced coffee, perhaps saying that drinking the cold beverage and chewing all the ice up helps reduce stress.
In the meantime, there are also the jjeojuktta, an abbreviation of jjeo jukeodo ttatteuthan coffee, referring to people who drink hot coffee even in the searing midsummer heat with high temperatures and humidity.
Then, is it okay to gulp cold, iced drinks in the dead of winter?  
“Keeping your lungs and stomach warm during the winter season is good for your health,” said Im Young-kwon, an oriental medicine doctor, explaining that drinking cold beverages can hinder the digestive or respiratory functions. “When you feel exhausted or stresssed, drinking iced coffee can momentarily boost your attention and appetite as caffeine has a stimulating effect,” he added. “But it lasts only for a short period of time. And when it becomes a habit, your intestinal functions can deteriorate.”
If you drink iced coffee habitually because of simmering anger and stress even in the freezing winter, you should figure out the causes of such emotions first.

BY SEO JEONG-MIN [meantree@joongang.co.kr]

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