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Today's Fortune: Oct. 12, 2024

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune.
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024 (Sept. 10 on lunar calendar)
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: east
1936: Live young and up to date. 
1948: Now is better than then. 
1960: If you have something you like to do, get to it.
1972: You may be in for a big meal.  
1984: You may act on your plan.
1996: Go shopping or see a show.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1937: You may hear from your children. 
1949: Don’t overeat.   
1961: Forget formalities, keep to your standards.  
1973: Act on your condition without comparing yourself to others.
1985: You may be fretting about what to wear when you go out.
1997: Go for a meal or tea with others.  
Wealth: lessening
Health: mindful
Love: feisty  
Lucky direction: north
1938: You may not be pleased.
1950: If you lose your temper, it’s your loss.
1962: Don’t groan too much over losses.
1974: You may spend more than you planned.
1986: It may take more time than you expected.  
1998: You may be disappointed.
Wealth: lessening
Health: mindful
Love: frustrating
Lucky direction: north  
1939: Your heart and body may be out of sync.
1951: Don’t insist on old things.
1963: Save your words and open your wallet.
1975: Text instead of talking it out.
1987: Leave early and drive safely as the traffic may be horrific.
1999: Contain yourself from impulsive spending.  

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: fulfilling
Lucky direction: west
1940: You’d wish to be of any help.
1952: Your spouse is better than any of your children.
1964: There is no limit in parental affection.
1976: Sincerity always gets through.  
1988: Don’t try to win your spouse.
2000: You may want to know more about that person.  
Wealth: not bad 
Health: modest 
Love: happy
Lucky direction: west
1941: You may be full of happiness.
1953: You may feel bountiful with joy.
1965: What a life.
1977: You may be soaked in the feelings of love, hope and gratitude.
1989: A meaningful and rewarding day.
2001: Luck may be on your side.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: south
1942: You may look forward to a pleasant surprise.
1954: A perfect day.
1966: You may meet your family or relatives.  
1978: God will bless you if you do your best.
1990: You may be invited to something or meet up with someone.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1943: The way of life is no different from the past.
1955: This or that, it may not make any difference.
1967: A family should share the burden of household affairs.
1979: Compliment rather than scorn.
1991: There may be both an upside and a downside.
Wealth: fair 
Health: fair 
Love: jealous
Lucky direction: north
1944: You may approve some and disapprove some.
1956: People matter more than material things.  
1968: Accommodate to your condition without comparing yourself with others.
1980: Somebody else’s piece of cake may look bigger.
1992: You are special because you’re you.
Wealth: good
Health: strong  
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: west
1945: God may be on your side.
1957: The more the merrier.
1969: A full house can be fun.
1981: The more the merrier during a happy event.
1993: Explore the multitudes of a singular idea, object or person.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: east
1946: When you give, you’ll receive.
1958: You could be taken for granted if you treat them too well.
1970: Unite to get things done.
1982: Don’t judge by your own standard.
1994: Be empathetic.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: south
1935: Be thankful for today’s blessings.
1947: Have pride in your walk of life.
1959: Take command over family affairs.
1971: You must not miss a golden chance.
1983: You’ll be grateful for your family's love.
1995: Take a picture of a priceless moment.

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