Witches To Take Over The World
global network of powerful witches and Satanists holds the fate of the world in its hands, warns a terrified researcher.
The sorcerers, all of them practiced in the black arts, are present in every nation on Earth. They usually keep in close touch by cell phone.
"Their aim is, quite simply, to pave the way for the arrival of their master, known in the Bible as the Beast whose number is 666," says writer Tim Blish. "In other words, Satan, the Antichrist.
"They're working hard for world domination, so the Antichrist will easily ascend to power. And the horrifying thing is that they're succeeding."
Blish first stumbled onto the demonic plot quite by accident.
"One day 10 years ago, I happened to be in a restaurant when a man seated at a table right next to mine suddenly cried out and keeled over from a heart attack. I performed CPR on him, and he whispered in my ear, saying 'Stop them . . . You've got to stop them.' I asked what he meant and he said, 'The Children . . . The Children of the Kingdom . . . That's what they call themselves.' And with that, he died."
Frightened but intrigued, Blish began doing research and consulting with experts, but it wasn't until three years later that he finally found someone who could shed some light on the mysterious organization.
"I eventually found a man named Alfonso Fisk who had written a couple of books on cults. He told me that the Children of the Kingdom was a very underground group, yet very widespread. He knew they were Satan worshipers and were aspiring to political power. He said they were extremely dangerous and if I wanted to stay healthy I'd just forget I'd ever heard of them. Fisk subsequently disappeared without a trace."
Now determined to learn more, Blish eventually managed to identify an old union hall in New York as a probable front for the Children. He hired a private detective to wire the place, and soon he was listening to tapes that chilled him to the bone.
"They were reporting on progress they had made in placing various Children into positions of power in both local and federal government. Some of the names they mentioned were quite well known.
"They are well coordinated with other chapters of their group around the world. All they're waiting for now is to get their candidate into the White House either in 2004 or 2008. I can't say who this man is right now, but he's a famous politician. Then, their president and the leaders they've set up around the globe will cede all power to the United Nations. We'll have a one-world government, headed-up by the Antichrist.
"Everyone in the world will be forced to have a microchip implanted in his forehead or hand -- the famous Mark of the Beast as mentioned in Revelation. Without this microchip, no one will be able to buy or sell anything. The chip essentially stamps the person who receives it as property of Satan. Once this occurs, the battle of Armageddon will be just around the corner."
Blish is currently putting the finishing touches on his book, An Overwhelming Darkness, in which he says he will lay bare the entire conspiracy and name names.
"I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't damn nervous these days," says the author.
"I'm constantly looking over my shoulder and getting very little sleep.
"But the world must know the truth."
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