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AO EXCLUSIVE: “Kingdom: Ashin of the North” production team shares thoughts, experience, and what to expect on Kingdom’s special episode

Netflix is set to make our hearts tremble in fear and excitement again as Kindom’s special episode “Kingdom: Ashin of the North is coming to our screen this July 23, Friday!

Photo courtesy of Netflix

Kingdom: Ashin of the North is the sequel of Kingdom series which will run for 92 minutes. It will tell the story about a young girl named Ashin and her battles against those who slaughter her family and how it made her discover about the existence of the resurrection plant.

It starred South Korea stars Gianna Jun, Park Byung Eun, Kim Roi Ha, Kim Si A, and Koo Kyo Hwan.

In an online press conference held last July 20, media press got the chance to asked questions to the production team of the said special episode during the first part of the event.

It was attended by actors Jun Ji Hyun, Park Byung Eun, director Kim Seong Hun and writer Kim Eun Hee.

It started off with the question to director Kim Seong Hun followed by writer Kim Eun Hee, Gianna Jun and Park Byung Eun.

On the second part of the event, Netflix asked more questions to the actors which came from other press participants.

Director Kim Seong Hun on working again on Kingdom special episode

Kingdom director Kim Seong Hun were asked about what he feel on directing again the Kingdom special episode.

The director explained that he didn’t expect to work again with writer Kim Eun Hee however the plot story of Ashin motivates him to do his part to direct again the said episode.

“I had not imagined (that the series would be extended this far). I initially thought that my
work with Kim Eun-hee was a one-time collaboration. I was so drawn to the fact that this story recounts the origins of Kingdom and that it embodies another world with its own
beauty that was not featured in Seasons 1 and 2. That was the biggest motivating factor
for me.”

Director Kim Seong Hun

Writer Kim Eun Hee choose to create an special episode that will highlight Ashin character

Writer Kim Eun Hee were asked what led her to the creation of Ashin’s character and what kind of story will the viewers should expect about the special episode.

“It is about a character who has made a brief appearance at the end of Season 2. Ashin lives
in the northern periphery of Joseon, but her identity is also peripheral and uncertain.”

Writer Kim Eun Hee

According to the writer, her interest to the northern part of Joseon and Ashin appearance on the latter part of Kingdom season 2 made her decide to focus more and give highlights to the character through an special episode.

Actor Park Byung Eun on working again in the special episode after his appearance on Kingdom Season 1 and 2

Actor Park Byung Eun were asked about what he feel on working again on “Kingdom: Ashin of the North” after appearing on season 1 and 2.

Park Byun Eun said, after previously working on Kingdom series working with other zombie characters is still a new experience for him. The only difference is he felt more comfortable now and didn’t feel scared whenever he see them during night time shoot.

Gianna Jun on her preparation for her character as Ashin and if she felt pressure working on the special episode

Actress Gianna Jun were asked by the press if she felt pressure while working on her character as Ashin.

According to the actress,

“Being a part of the series I love the most and be a part of it on the latter scene I admit that I felt a little bit of pressure. But in order to portray the character well I think it is a positive pressure.”

Gianna Jun

Gianna Jun also known as Jun Ji Hyun for her Korean name also leave message for all the fans who love Kingdom series.

The hallyu actress said,

“I hope Kingdom fans worldwide will look forward on how the world of Kingdom expands through Kingdom: Ashin of the North.

Gianna Jun

Moreover, the upcoming special episode of Kingdom is a prequel that will give answers to the origins of zombies and how it is related to the resurrection plant.

Check out the photos during the press conference:

Photo courtesy of Netflix
Photo courtesy of Netflix

Catch “Kingdom: Ashin of the North” this July 23 only in Netflix.

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